If the ground is frozen, can I plant? If not, how do I store my plants during cold weather?

The hardy covering of frost can be quite deceiving. When a ground frost is present it is usually only the top couple of inches of ground that is hard and cold, beneath the ground should still be a safe environment for your plants’ root system. There may be some complications when planting bare roots and root balls during frosts due to the availability of this root type, it is inevitable that some orders will be delivered after a frost as the ground may become unsuitable for our nursery team to be removing these plants from their position. However, potted plants can be delivered to you year round as they are not restricted to weather conditions. We’ve included a demonstrative on what to do with your potted plants upon arrival.

You can either store your plants in a shed or garage where the conditions are dry and frost free. Do not store your plants in a greenhouse as this can damage the root system and always remember to dampen the roots with water to ensure they remain moist. Or if you can dig the ground, go ahead and plant anyway – once the roots are protected by the soil your plants are safe from frost damage. If you’re concerned about an upcoming frost then prepare your ground in advance of delivery and cover with a frost proof layer, such as tarpaulin, to keep the ground soft beneath. Then simply dig over once your hedge plants arrive. We’ve included an instructional video on how to prepare your growing site prior to your plants arrival.

If you would like any more information on planting then take a look at our Planting Advice section or head over to our YouTube channel where you can view a variety of helpful videos created to help you achieve your hedging goals.