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Mexican Orange Blossom | Choisya Hedge

Choisya is a small genus of aromatic, evergreen shrubs, commonly used for both informal and formal ornamental hedging. Choisya, or Mexican orange Blossom, is sometimes referred to as Mock Orange as its flowers are similar in shape and scent to orange plants.

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Choisya Hedge

Native to the US and Mexico, Choisya was first introduced to the UK from Mexico in 1825. It is named after Jacques Denis Choisy who was a botanist and philosopher from Geneva. The name ternata is derived from the Latin 'ternum' which means 'three each' in reference to the leaves which regularly grow in threes.

Where to plant Mexican Orange Blossom hedging

Choisya Ternata and Choisya Ternata 'Sundance' are popularly planted in bee gardens as their flowers attract honeybees from April to June when they are a strong source of pollen.

These evergreen shrubs are great for planting near patios or doorways for their summer fragrance. From April to June the white flowers emit a sweet, orange scent to be enjoyed by all.

Choisya looks great when planted en mass as it is low maintenance and only requires a partially shaded site. It is suitable for informal and formal style hedging and is drought and pollution tolerant once it has established.

best4hedging stock two Choisya varieties, one with lush green foliage (Choisya Ternata) and the other with bright yellow leaves (Choisya Ternata Sundance). Browse the full range of flowering hedges.

Our Choisya varieties have both been awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit. View more Award Winning hedging plants.

Common Misspellings of Choisya

choisya ternate, choysia ternata, choisya tenata, choisia ternata, choysia ternate, choisciea, chosia, choisiya, choisyia ternata, chosia hedge