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Cotoneaster hedging plants

Cotoneaster has a variety of uses. Cotoneaster Horizontalis (Wall Cotoneaster) is perfect for covering walls and fences and has a fantastic architectural structure. Cotoneaster Lacteus has lovely weeping branches (Late Cotoneaster) that look great trailing over walls or fences for a more relaxed effect. Cotoneaster Franchetii (Franchet's Contoneaster) is a self-supporting evergreen hedge plant, but it may lose some foliage in the coldest winters.

Best4hedging stock a great range of sizes and root types. Click here to view our full choice of pot grown hedge plants.

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Cotoneaster hedging plants are related to the commonly known Hawthorn (Crataegus), Firethorn (Pyracantha), and Rowan (Sorbus). The name Cotoneaster stems from the Latin cotone for quince and aster for resembling.

Cotoneaster is fantastic for attracting wildlife into your garden. The berries are eaten by birds such as redwings, fieldfares and waxwings. The flowers are an excellent source of nectar for bees, honey bees and bumblebees, especially during the 'June Gap' when there isn't as much on offer from other plants. Butterflies, such as the Brimstone and Red Admiral also use Cotoneaster flowers for nectar.

If you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the best4hedging Sales and Service Team. You can call, email or talk to us via live chat.

Common Misspellings of Cotoneaster

catoniaster, cottoneaster, catoneaster, cotoniaster, catoniasta, cotonester, contoneaster, cotoeaster, cotonaster, cotonesta, contoneaster, catoniaster, conteaster, cotonaster, cotoneater, cotoniaster, cottoneaster, cotoneastor, coteanaster