Delivery Time - Please note that delivery times are currently 2-5 days. *Some troughs, trees and premium products may take up to 14 days delivery.
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There is still plenty of time to plant roses, but ensure you choose an alternative area in which roses have not previously been grown to avoid new plants being exposed to replant diseases.
If you want to cut back your deciduous hedges, this can be done now to revive your hedge ready for new leaf emergence.
Prune your Cornus and Salix shrubs – Cutting right down to their bases will encourage more colourful stems next year.
When the colourful displays offered by winter flowering shrubs begin to disappear, it is a good time to give them a gentle prune.
It’s been a wet and windy January so check your tree ties, stakes and rabbit guards have not been damaged by strong winds or heavy frosts. Replace and adjust these where necessary.
Firm down any newly planted hedging that may have been lifted by frost or wind. Pay particular attention to bare roots and root balls as these are the most vulnerable to exposure.
Clear any weeds in your beds and borders and around the base of young trees, this will help to prepare your soil for spring planting.
As there is still the chance of frosts, ensure any protective covers on newly planted or fragile hedging, trees and shrubs are secure.
Now is a good time to consider lawn maintenance. It’s still a little bit too early for regular mowing but you can start your spring preparations by tidying your lawn edges.
Think about installing a water butt – It’s a great way to recycle rainwater and your acid-loving plants will thank you for it, as tap water can often be slightly alkaline for them.
Add all the waste material gathered from around your garden to a compost heap rather than discarding it, as insects and other wildlife will appreciate the shelter and it makes for good mulch later in the year.
Continue to hang fat balls and keep your bird feeders full this month – birds need the extra energy as the weather is still very cold and food is scarce.
Consider putting up bird nesting boxes – it’s not long before birds will begin to pair up and start searching for a suitable home.
Build An Insect Hotel
Plant bare root and root ball berried hedging to create a beak-watering buffet for birds later in the year or plant our professionally selected, RSPB approved bird friendly hedging bundles for a diverse hedge feature with countless bird and other garden wildlife friendly features.
Build an insect hotel or a bee nesting box – insects need your help too.
We hope you participated in the RSPB‘s Big Garden Bird Watch which took place over the last weekend in January. If so, remember to submit your bird sightings and feel free to share any pictures you took with us on Facebook or Twitter!