How much Rootgrow and Bonemeal should I use?

Rootgrow can be applied in two ways. It can either be sprinkled into the planting hole in its granule form, or made into a gel, ideal for dipping bare roots. Apart from the 150g packet, which is granule only, all sizes of Rootgrow can be made into a gel formula or sprinkled. We recommend using the gel method for bare roots, as the paste will go much further and be more cost effective than granules. Please visit our Rootgrow page and click on the ‘How much do I need?’ button for our easy to follow usage guide. Usage is approximate as root sizes vary by species.

If you are ordering Rootgrow with Box bare root hedging then please add 20% to the recommended usage level to allow for the large root system.

Bonemeal should be mixed into your backfill or sprinkled on the surface after planting to help maintain an established hedge. Please visit our Bonemeal page and click on the ‘How much do I need?’ button for our easy to follow usage guide.

For those unfamiliar with how to use these planting essentials, we’ve included an easy to follow, video guide which includes a running commentary of the planting method when using Rootgrow and Bonemeal. The first video will demonstrate the ways in which you can use Rootgrow and how to apply it to your hedging plants. The second video demonstrates how to incorporate Bonemeal into the preparation of your site prior to your plants arrival.

How To Prepare And Use Rootgrow

How To Prepare Your Site For Planting

For any further information, do visit our Planting Advice section or have a look at our YouTube channel where you can find tons of instructional videos to help you achieve your planting goals.