When is the best time of year to plant a hedge?

The general rule of thumb is that between November and April is best time on the garden calendar to plant new hedges and shrubs. However, this is not the only definitive time to plant a hedge. At best4hedging, we have a huge range of hedging that is available to plant at any time of the year, providing the weather and soil conditions allow. 

Pot Grown hedging, Cell Grown hedge plants and Instant hedging

These hedging plants are available to purchase throughout the year and can be planted at any time, as long as your planting site is not waterlogged or frozen.

Pot Grown & Cell Grown

Instant Hedging

Bare Root plants and Root Ball hedging

Although they are only supplied during the dormant season, you can pre-order these root types year-round to get your plants delivered as soon as the planting season for bare roots and root balls begins. Bare root and root ball hedging plants are available between November and May, when the plants root system is dormant. Planting during this period means there is a very low risk of the root system sustaining any damage during lifting and re-planting, resulting in a healthy, strong hedge by the time spring arrives.

The only exceptions to this are Box hedging and Yew hedging, as the root systems of these species are so strong and stable, they are available to order and plant in root ball form for the most part of the year, except during the hottest months.At the end of the dormant season, we still have bare roots available that have been in cold storage since they were at their maximum level of dormancy in January. This means that the season is extended slightly, however plants kept in cold storage must be planted as soon as possible after delivery, as the prolonged dormancy will lift quite quickly.

Bare Root Hedging

Root Ball Hedging

Evergreen Hedges

Evergreen hedging plants such as LeylandiiLaurel and Yew benefit from planting in early autumn, as the soil will still be warm and so will encourage root growth right into the winter. It’s possible to plant evergreens up until late winter – this will give them time to establish a deep, strong root system before spring, making them less vulnerable to dry spells during the warmer months.

Deciduous Hedges

Planting hedges such as BeechHawthorn and Hornbeam (all deciduous hedging species), are best planted between mid-autumn and late winter, normally after the leaves have started to fall. The advantages of planting at this time are that your hedge will require less water and nutrients to support the leaf system, meaning these components can be used instead to strengthen the root system.

Pleached Hedging

We primarily stock root ball pleached trees, which can only be planted between November and April, during the dormant season. However, we can source pot-grown pleached trees on request.

Ivy Screens

Ivy screens are available to buy and plant year-round, with the exception of during very wet or frosty conditions.

If you are planning to plant in summer, this is acceptable as long as you consider the extra water that your hedge will need in order to counteract the warmer weather and potential dry periods. You also need to remember that the best time to water is either early in the morning or late evening, to avoid the heat of the day. If you are worried about maintaining a regular watering regime, you could always install a leaky hose system which will remember to water your plants so you don’t have to. Using a weed suppressing fabric to mulch is also a good way to keep your new hedge clear of weeds without continuous maintenance. 

So now you know when to plant your hedge, our YouTube channel can help you with the next step, the actual process of planting of your hedge -

If you have any questions about this topic, or anything else relating to your garden, please tweet us @best4hedging and we’ll be happy to help.